Vandaagde de zesde aflevering uit de negendelige serie in de zevende reeks van het Engelse TV Programma Who do you think you are. Om 22.00 uur te zien in Nederland door af te stemmen op BBC1. Te hopen is dat het weer een spannende aflevering gaat worden - de serie van dit seizoen, is naar Afkomst's persoonlijk mening, net iets minder boeiend dan in voorgaande jaren-. Maar eerst nog even lachen om zijn persiflage op "Who do you think you are!"
"Comedian Alexander Armstrong always knew his family background was likely to be privileged, but he's keen to find out exactly how posh he is...
Appropriately enough Alexander's journey begins with Burke's Irish Landed Gentry, a register of Britain's landed families. He quickly finds his own name listed under his mother's family name, McCausland, and decides to follow this line to find out more. Moving up the family tree he finds a relative who holds an honoured position in the Royal household of the day.
Delving into more family papers, Alexander finds a letter from a direct ancestor over two hundred years ago, complaining about the shortcoming of her wastrel eldest son Edward. Alexander discovers that Edward inherits his baronetcy from a cousin and that foul play is suspected. Alexander's aristocratic roots are confirmed.
Searching even further back following a fascinating trail of ancient documents Alexander finds out that he has even more titled relatives descended from one of the richest families in Britain and intimately connected to the King. One is a Royalist military leader during the Civil War, who ploughs all his money into the King's cause. But in a curious twist of fate he ends up being"
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